Helen Cobanov
Artist ~ Creative ~ Prophetic ~ Songwriter ~ Lover of Jesus
About Helen
For those who prefer the short version… I am a unique creative little being. I am a wife, mum, and a lover of Jesus. I love the prophetic, I love to sing, and song write, and I have recently picked up a paint brush and discovered a new found love of painting, that has brought a lot of joy, healing and restoration into my life.
For those who want to know me and my heart a little better and my art journey… read on my friend!
So, who am I? Well, this is actually a great question! And also one I have internally wrestled with a lot throughout the different seasons of the life of me. A few things I know for sure as mentioned above… I am a wife - married to my childhood sweetheart Daniel, at the age of 18. I am a mother of two amazing adult sons - Noah and Jonah, a beautiful daughter in love - Maddie, and two mischievous lovable Boston Terriers - Sumo and Suki. I live in Brisbane Queensland, and I am a passionate lover of Jesus!
​To be honest, the journey of discovering this million-dollar question of "who am I" is definitely one I have loved and hated through the different seasons. Everyday seems to hold a new surprise as I continue to be unravelled and God reveals things I never truly knew I had in me.
God has been journeying me to learn to love who He created me to be. Many years ago, He reminded me what my name meant, “Helen Madeline” meaning “light tower”, and my heart is to take hold of His truth for my life and step into the fullness of all He has for me, to be light and love to others.
I have a great passion to encourage others to wake up, rise up and step into the fullness of what God has for them and to not give up! Believe me when I say, I know firsthand how real this struggle can be! But I also know my God has good plans for His kids, and He is calling us to take hold of His truth, to walk in freedom, to truly be who He created us to be!
​I know I have always been a creative. Even from a young age I have been a dreamer, and I could always visualise things so clearly. As I have grown in my faith and Christian walk with God, I often hear His sweet whispers and get prophetic words, visions and dreams that I share as He leads me to.​ I have forever loved singing and song writing, and now I love to lead people into the presence of God as a worship leader at my local church in Brisbane.
I like to feel useful, I’m a bit of a doer, and I often find myself creating, building or designing things. My husband is a builder, and even after 26 years of marriage my very words of “babe where is the tape measure” or me heading to his workshop, still sends him into a nervous twitch and cold sweat! But he has "mostly" learnt that sometimes it's best to "just not ask"! Maybe it's the look in my eyes that he is met with? Or my fiery red hair that suddenly seems a little more red! But sometimes this girl just needs to let loose and do things myself! Once I have conquered... I am left feeling deeply satisfied and pleased! And when it doesn't go so well... let's just say the feeling of defeat is real and frustrating! But I eat some humble pie (it is not pleasant) and I send out an SOS...
I am a thinker, and annoyingly often an over thinker. I would also say I am quite the introvert, but on occasions the extroverted introvert in me pops out to say hello, and when it does, it is liberating, honest, passionate, a little awkward, terrifying and exhausting all at the same time. But when I feel the nudge of God pushing me out of my comfort zone (which I do often wrestle with), I am learning to be brave and catch the wind of His Spirit, to speak out and share when needed.
I am a hugger, flowers make me happy, ​​I enjoy lovely things and appreciate the simple things. I have a great love for the outdoors… whether it be gardening, holidaying at the beach, camping, going for long walks or just being in nature… wide open quiet spaces are just a happy place for me and so good for my head and my heart.
My Creative Art Journey:
I love to write and journal and spend time with God in prayer and in worship in the secret place. One day I would even love to write a book! One day… maybe? I'll get back to you on that one... Meanwhile, art has been something I have always enjoyed - mostly drawing and creating... but after a long difficult personal season, painting suddenly appeared like a long-lost friend, and I have found this to be an incredible source of joy, healing and restoration in my life.
A picture can say a thousand words… and while I am new in this journey, every time I paint, I find it a great escape from my thoughts. It helps shift my focus, and it is such an incredible way for me to express myself without having to say a word!
Art is so very personal and honestly, it feels a little vulnerable sharing such a personal little piece of me with the world! But it is my heart and prayer that as I grow in my gift and share my journey with others, that each piece or art will shine the love of Jesus, will bring healing, hope, freedom, joy and love into hearts, minds and homes.
There are also a few little hidden treasures on each piece of art…
I start each canvas with a “purple” base coat… Purple has incredible biblical significance, symbolising royalty, wealth, and honour. It also represents the sovereignty and majesty of God and is often associated with kings, spiritual transformation and growth. While the purple might not be visible after the layers of paint are applied, it is there on each canvas and holds a personal prophetic significance, for the foundation of each painting. It is my heart that each piece, will speak through the brushstrokes and stir hearts, to remember who you are and whose you are! You are so incredibly loved, created on purpose, for a purpose! You are a child of the King! You are His masterpiece! And He has great plans for you!
As I think about a name for each piece, I ask God to give me a scripture to put with it. This sometimes comes before I begin, or while I am painting. Sometimes a song or prayer will start to bubble up in my heart as I am painting, and I always take note and lean into this as I paint. I encourage you to always take note of the whispers and nudges God gives you, they are often an invitation and key to unlocking something helpful and beautiful!
Lastly, not only do I give each piece a name and write a scripture reference on the back for each painting, but the very last thing I do before varnishing, is to sign each piece with my thumbprint, in gold on the side of the canvas. I felt like God asked me to do this, to remember who I am. I am a unique, creative, child of the King, and there is no one like me! My unique one-of-a-kind thumbprint speaks to my identity and who He created me to be… it’s a bit like a royal seal on each canvas, which I love that He showed me this! And it is a beautiful reminder to me as I finish each piece of who I am and whose I am.
I hope and pray you are truly blessed by the prophetic words, encouragement blogs and artwork I share with you. They all make up a little piece of me and my heart. I hope as I share my journey, that it will continue to unravel and reveal something sweet and lovely that you can be encouraged and inspired by, to step into the fullness of what God has for your life too.