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The Lord has been speaking to me, saying that we are entering into a season of “GREAT TURNAROUNDS”. The transforming work of the Lord is about to be lifted to new heights and will get the attention of all people, as a wave of great turnarounds sweeps across the nations with a strategic Kingdom-alignment taking place on Earth.

I was prompted to look up the meaning of the word “TURNAROUND”: an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favourable situation.

Then He said “This turnaround will shift the atmosphere in people’s lives and will cause there to be a shaking, a pressure; but don’t fight it, trust me! For I am the God who works all things together for good (Romans 8:28). Come into my arms, yield your heart to Me and I will lead you, and you will see My transforming power and love as I set you on track and increase your territory."

Then I saw God reach down and place His hand on heads. This included heads of government and business, heads of churches and ministries, heads of families and individuals. As He did this, a shaking took place as He firmly held the heads and turned people around 180ᵒ. In this moment, wrong attitudes, wrong decisions, wrong opinions were corrected and made right. Demonic strongholds over these heads were being broken. People were turning from darkness to light and being restored as this Kingdom alignment took place.

“I am righting the wrongs caused by darkness. What Satan has intended for evil I will transform, in this season of great turnaround. This turnaround will turn heads, and jaws will drop in amazement and awe as people see and hear of My power and love for them.”


I sensed an acceleration taking place as an angelic presence began to fill the Earth. Then I heard the words “Prepare the way for the Risen Lord” ringing out.

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness - prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.” Isaiah 40:3-5 NIV

I saw angels filling the streets, corridors and homes. The atmosphere and presence of these angels was so thick as they stood shoulder to shoulder like guards, forming what looked to be like a cushioned wall of protection that lined each pathway.

Every path was strategically placed as they covered the Earth. As the wave of great turnaround moved throughout the Earth, I saw scrambled paths of confusion, dead ends and darkness being straightened, lit up and lined by a wall of angels. The paths were narrowed, but covered far greater ground and territory. These paths were lined with pages of Scriptures, and people were walking on the Word of God (Ps 119:105).

Then I saw angels prompting people to pick up and take hold of specific pages. They were taking hold of truths and God’s promises (Prov 4:10-15). As they did I saw their path extending further and further and the angels started to sing out the words “Advance, advance” and the paths continued to extend, and more territory was taken for Kingdom advancement.

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long”. Ps 25:4-5 NIV

Helen Cobanov 13-01-18

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