Over the years there have been many who have felt stuck in a cycle of repeat. Some of you have felt like every good intention, hope, dream or promise of the past has never quite come to fruition, leaving you feeling empty-handed, doubtful, discouraged and broken.
But as 2020 ticked over I heard the reassuring voice of the Lord saying “Your past WILL NOT repeat itself.” Then I saw the Lord standing at an open door calling His children to “COME! Come on through”.
I saw people take a step towards the door, and as they stood there they wondered if things could possibly be different this time? Or would they just go back to the path of repeat? But then I saw the Lord come before them; He stood face to face and very intently and lovingly locked eyes with them. With just a glance, people were filled with such REASSURANCE and CONFIDENCE to TRUST in the Lord as He said to them, “DON'T LOOK BACK! YOUR PAST WILL NOT REPEAT ITSELF!"
He took them by the hand and led them through the door. Angels stood at the door blowing trumpets, and I saw people lifting up their empty hands as they started to praise the Lord. They instantly felt a shift take place as they praised, and became filled with HOPE.
As people stepped further in through the door, I saw them lifting up unfulfilled past words, dreams, visions and promises, to the Lord. I saw the Lord take them in His hand and He breathed NEW LIFE into these. I also saw that some of these past things people had held onto, which had caused confusion, frustration, delay and pain, and anything that was not in alignment with His will and His Word, were blown away and NEW words, dreams, visions and promises were formed in their place.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-21 NIV
As people saw what the Lord was doing, their mouths opened and their jaws dropped in AWE of what they were seeing. They lifted their hands in praise and worship to the Lord and I saw a heavenly weight in these dreams, visions, words and promises rest on their hands. People could feel the weight and presence of God rest upon them and it drew them to become closer to God then ever before. The more INTIMATE they became with the Lord, the greater His presence rested upon them.
As they moved forward, their feet started to lift up off the ground. They started to run in leaps and bounds, moving with much INCREASE and having access to places and people they never thought possible in the past, and turning the heads of the lost, the broken, the unsaved towards Jesus as they moved with such incredible FAVOUR of God upon them.
Then I heard the Lord say..."Give me your time! I tell you now, it will not be wasted! Give me your hand and I will take you to places you never thought possible! Give me your heart and I will pour out My extravagant love for you that will fill you till you overflow with all I have for you!”
This new year, this new decade, this NEW ERA will see people MOVE like never before! But to partner in ALL He has planned, we need to be INTIMATE with the Lord like never before!! MOVE into 2020 with confidence! Give Him your YES, your TIME, your HAND, your HEART, and start PRAISING Him for ALL He can and will do in you and through you!!
“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into His abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the Divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion. Philippians 3:12-16 TPT.