I really want to encourage those who have been feeling overwhelmed with DOUBTS, DESPAIR and the feeling of GIVING UP. The Lord has been speaking so strongly to me saying “DON’T DOUBT! DON’T GIVE UP! I HAVEN’T given up on you, so DON’T give up on Me.”
These words have struck right to my heart and mind as this has been a very real battle indeed that I too have found myself in over the past few months. I felt the Lord wanting me to share this, to encourage many who are wrestling and battling these feelings right now. You are not alone! He has you! Don’t give up! Don’t doubt!
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do no be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deut 31:8 NIV
I saw a vision of the enemy with a fishing line, fishing in deep dark waters. I asked the Lord about this and He said “the enemy is “fishing” for anything he can find, in a desperate attempt to bait you and pull you mentally, physically or emotionally back into things in your past. But I am here to remind you that TODAY IS A NEW DAY! Don’t default to the things of the past. Don’t take the bait!”
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness, and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV
Then I saw a vision of the enemy stirring deep dark waters, creating a whirlpool. Then the Lord started to speak to me about this whirlpool and prompted me to look up the meaning.
Whirlpool definition: A whirlpool is a body of rotating water produced by opposing currents or a current running into an obstacle. (Wikipedia)
The Lord showed me that many who have been stepping into, moving and flowing in the things He has been calling them to, have suddenly, out of nowhere, found themselves facing great opposition and obstacles! The enemy is stirring up this whirlpool in a desperate attempt to suck you under and out of the heavenly current and the call God has for you! This “whirlpool” has been unrelenting and tormenting, filling you with the feeling of loneliness and hopelessness as these lies and doubts have filled your thoughts, causing you to feel like giving up.
But then I heard the Lord roaring over the waters “Don’t believe the lie! Open your eyes! Fix your eyes on Me! Don’t give up! I have you!” Just then the waters became calm as the hand of the Lord reached down and lifted His people into the palm of His hand. As people were lifted, their minds became clear, their sight became clear, and the waters became clear as the Lord exposed the lies and plan of the enemy.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10
The skies cleared and as light beamed across the sky a rainbow appeared over the waters. As I saw this, God reminded me of His promises for my life and I felt a sudden boldness, peace and confidence fill my heart that for a time had been drowning in despair. The Lord reminded me of the Israelites before they took the promised land, and the battles and doubts they had to overcome in order to take hold of the promise. Then the Lord said “My promises are true, I will not let you down! I go before you and I will never leave you. Fix your eyes on Me, lift your praise to Me, trust in Me, you will see. Get ready to take the promised land! Get ready to take hold of the promises I have for you! DON’T GIVE UP My child, for I am the hand that holds you! I will NEVER leave you! I have you My beloved child.”
The Lord is FAITHFUL to the very end! His promises for your life are amazing and true! Don’t let the enemy win over your thoughts, over your destiny! DON’T GIVE UP! RISE UP!