This morning 01/02/16 God said to me, "I am about to pierce false religions within groups and organisations." I saw a picture of the world and these groups were spread out all across the earth. I saw an intensely hot, burning heavenly molten chamber and there was an incredible massive radiant sword being drawn from this chamber in the heavens and it came down and pierced right into the core of each of these groups and organisations. When it was pulled out it had people on it who had been pierced through the heart. They were drawn up with the sword back into the heavenly realm and the heavens closed up and the skies returned to normal.
Then God took me to see what happened on the inside of these groups and organisations. He showed me the people walking around. Then I saw the intense glow of the sword coming in and it pierced each group to the core. Some of the faces I could not see, as they were so completely in darkness and they didn't notice the light of the sword as it entered in. Some of the faces which had their eyes covered by dark covers, had these covers completely blown off, and were instantly drawn to the light of the sword. Then there were others whose eyes were not covered at all but they were walking around in a trance. Suddenly they were broken out of this trance and drawn to the light of the sword. As they were drawn to the sword, God pierced them through their hearts, and the sword was withdrawn and disappeared into the heavens with these people still skewered onto it.
After this happened I was back out in the open, and the Heavens opened again and the sword appeared, but this time came directly down and pierced the centre of the earth and those people who'd been drawn out beforehand were still on the sword as it pierced earth, and they then jumped off onto the ground. Now they were glowing with a heavenly radiance, and I heard the voice of the Lord say, "I am the one and only true God! They are my children now" I asked God "what does all this mean"? ....and He said, " I am about to pierce through false religion within many "religious" groups and organisations, and I am going to draw out my people who have been deceived, blinded, misled and sucked in to the depths of the core of these groups."
"I AM PREPARING MY FOOT SOLDIERS AND SENDING YOU IN!" "I will open up divine opportunities, divine favour for you to be able to reach these people groups on all levels, right to the core, even to the leaders of these groups and organisations, and it will shake them to the core. As my power, my love and my Word shatters the darkness around them I will open their eyes, and my Spirit will pierce their hearts! I will remove them from this darkness and draw them to my heart and will transform them into radiant lovers of my glory.
" GOD IS SAYING, "DON'T WRITE THESE PEOPLE OFF"! "For many of you, I have been preparing divine opportunities for you, but doubt keeps entering your minds because you believe these people are off limits, too far gone, or beyond your ability to reach. But these too are my children. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I created the Heavens and the Earth. I have overcome death and darkness. I am the one and only true God! Don't doubt what I can do and how I can use you!"
“My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God’s truth, don’t write them off. Go after them! Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of lost souls wandering away from God.” James 5:19-20 MSG