During a time of worship I was pressing into the rhythm and beat that was being played, and I found myself drawn into the heartbeat of the Father. I could hear these words sounding out “Move it, move it and He will move it! Move it, move it and He will move it”!
As I spoke to the Lord about this, I felt it was an INVITATION and a CALL TO ACTION! I could feel my heart starting to race at the thought of this, and could feel Him calling out “IT’S TIME TO MOVE”!
Then the Lord started to speak to me about the word "MOVEMENT”, and as He did I was prompted to look up the definition, and God spoke through each definition of movement! (...definitions from Google)
A CALL TO START MOVING 1. An act of moving. “a slight movement of the body.” I believe God is saying it is time to start rising up; it’s time to respond to the invitations and start taking action to take the promises, the new territory that He has before us! We need to stop waiting for this to come to us! All it takes is faith as small as a mustard seed and a slight movement, and it can unlock the most incredible things for you! So let’s rise up my friends 😊 LET'S DO IT TOGETHER 2. A group of people working together to advance their shared view, to advance change. This is powerful! He is highlighting here the importance of each one of us stepping up and advancing together! A new movement is about to take place and God is calling us to stand together, to intercede for one another and cheer each other on! There is power in numbers and as we make ourselves available, the Holy Spirit will move in us and through us, and this is how we start to see His heavenly movement take place across the nations! One voice, rising together, doing it for His Glory and moving in His supernatural power!!
YOU ARE PART OF A HEAVENLY SYMPHONY 3. In music, a movement is a musical piece that can be performed on its own but is part of a larger composition. Movements can follow their own form, key, and mood, In Complete musical works, typically movement has its own name. Sometimes, the movement's name is indicated by the tempo of the movement, but at other times composers will give each movement a unique name that speaks to the larger story of the entire work...(this definition is from thoughtco).
I love this! And as I read it I could hear the Lord announcing “it’s the sound of My symphony!” God created you UNIQUE! There is no one like you! And what you do and the way you do it is key to His entire work. Each one of us is an absolutely unique part of God’s Heavenly symphony which is about to be released! Heads will turn, lives will be changed, and the enemy will flee at the sound of it!
He is calling you and me to start moving!...to be willing to grow and to learn how to do things the way He has planned. We are His instruments and He is going to create a mighty sound that will come from us, as we start to rise up and move into all He has for us. It will be a powerful and beautiful sound!
4. Time, the moving parts of a mechanism. Then God started to speak to me about timing. HIS TIMING IS PERFECT! So be encouraged whatever your journey looks like; we need to start moving now to be ready for when He swings wide the doors that no man can shut. Just as every good athlete trains and prepares for the main event, so must we!! Even if you feel like you’ve been through a season of delay or going now where, He will make up lost time..so get ready!
He also started to speak to me about His Kairos moments...(Kairos means the right, critical, opportune moment). I felt the Lord saying that we need to start moving, preparing and taking steps to ready ourselves for these “Kairos” moments, as the invitations are about to be opened and released to those who are prepared to move!
5. A discharge of rubbish from the body.
This is a not so pleasant one, but unbelievably essential for us individually and corporately as the body of Christ to be willing to be refined and purified! He is coming for a pure Bride! And we need to come clean, embrace the fire and let Him purify our hearts and minds. When we cry out “God refine me!” we are saying “God rid me of the things you don’t want me to have, rid me of the dead weight, the things that are holding me back!” And as we become pure, the enemy also loses his power over us!
“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.” Rev 19: 6 and 7 NIV.
YES AND AMEN God is calling us to obedience! He is calling us to say “YES!! YES LORD, YOUR WILL, YOUR WAY!!” All His promises are YES AND AMEN!! But that yes and amen works both ways! He is saying "I am faithful and ALL MY PROMISES are YES and AMEN!” But He is also calling US to say in agreement with Him “YES and AMEN!! Let it be Lord, use me, guide me, I am yours, have your way.” Heavenly invitations are being released! Will you say YES and AMEN?
“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into His abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.” Philippians 3:12-16 TPT.