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I saw the word “PARTNERSHIP” was being raised like a banner over the nations. God is looking for those who are willing to partner with Him....those who are prepared to YIELD every part of their life to Him.

The Lord said “GET READY to see Me invade your life, your workplace and families, your church, ministries, cities and governments in a partnership like no other! FOR I AM REFORMING MY BRIDE and bringing her into her glorious place, PARTNERED AS ONE WITH ME. Get ready for a shifting to take place, get ready for a shaking. What looks like chaos and change, what looks like something is being removed or taken away is a part of My plan

.”I heard the word “SIMPLIFY”! You have a purpose! He has a plan! It’s really that simple!

“So, don’t over-complicate it! I am removing the dead weight, the things that have been slowing you down or distracting you from being able to RUN into the fullness of what I have for you. Do not fear, don’t fight it, For I AM WITH YOU” says the Lord! “My Spirit is at work and I am aligning you and preparing you for even GREATER things in My partnership”!

I heard the words “PROVISION in My partnership” and “PROVISION IS COMING IN SPADES”. The saying “in spades” means: in abundance, very much, in large amounts, to a very great degree!

I heard the words “POWER in My partnership. I am plugging you into My TRANSFORMING POWER. I am pulling the plug on old things, old ways. I am making all things NEW. With My partnership comes undeniable, supernatural power for I am the hand that guides you and leads you into ALL the PROMISES I have for your life, so plug into Me for I AM ALL THAT YOU NEED”.Then He started to highlight businesses, organizations, digital technology, design, marketing and creative industries. And said “when you partner with Me, I HAVE YOUR BACK and I will supply ALL you need. You will make incredible ground in your field.”

“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:19 NKJV

IT’S NOT ‘GAME OVER’ FOR YOU. Then I saw what looked like a computer game. I saw hearts across the top of a screen that represented how much life was left, and the heart was down to the last life. I felt a heaviness in my heart seeing this, as though people are at the point where they feel like it’s nearly ‘game over’ for them.

Then I saw a scene, similar to what you would see in a computer game of ‘Call of Duty’ and the Lord started to speak to me about this. Many have felt like they have been following their “Call of Duty” but it’s been like a battlefield and the battle has been great! But DON’T GIVE UP! the Lord said. I’m coming in...and I am sending in backup! I’m going to lead My people out. I have your back”! Then He led His people out of the battlefield. Then just as you would see in a computer game, there were supplies and weapons along the way. The weapons were to equip you, arm you and protect you, and the supplies restored your health. As these were collected I saw the hearts across the screen increase and increase! I heard the words “I WILL GIVE YOU LIFE...AND LIFE ABUNDANT”!

Then the Lord said “I am coming into a season of downloading code. I am your source code”.Source code: is “the list of human-readable instructions that a programmer writes, and is a powerful tool in today’s modern day world”.He said “I AM YOUR PROGRAMMER! I am the one who has the plan! I am the one who will download all that you need. Things you don’t even know yet, I am about to download for I am bringing a new wave of technology”.

I was prompted to look up what a “wave of technology” is, and I was so amazed by what I read!

A "wave of technology” is known as a wide-scale dispersal of new automation, mechanics or applied science. “Technology waves” are hard to predict yet often leave a permanent impact on a particular aspect of culture, industry and medicine. Truly profound waves of technology IMPACT HUMANS ON A GLOBAL SCALE.

And the Lord said “I am coming like a wave and I will impact humans on a GLOBAL SCALE!!!

Then I saw the Lord downloading new things… new things that have NEVER been done, seen or thought of before...inventions and creations, ideas and solutions that will have a global impact. He is looking for those who are willing to YIELD themselves and PARTNER with Him! Are you ready?? Are you in?

“ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us”? Romans 8:31 NKJV

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© 2024 Helen Cobanov 

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