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I woke up this morning with this song and powerful declaration filling my heart!

“...The enemy has been defeated, death couldn't hold You down. Gonna lift our voice in victory, gonna make Your praises loud! Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, shout unto God with a voice of praise. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, we lift Your name up, we lift Your name up.” (Shout Unto God - by Hillsong Worship)

The power of these words just kept bubbling up in me till I finally opened my mouth and started praising, singing and declaring them out loud!! These words lifted my eyes to Him, they filled my heart with confidence, encouragement and faith!


The Lord spoke to me and reminded me that WE MUST NOT KEEP SILENT IN THIS TIME!! For NOW IS THE TIME TO PRAY AND PRAISE in the secret place! We MUST NOT BECOME ACCEPTING of the thought that this is the “new normal”... NO! We DO NOT ACCEPT that sickness, death, isolation and distancing, hardship, business closures, fear and anxiety is the new normal! We must not become accepting of or get distracted by the plans of the enemy, and let fear or doubt fill us!


God is opening our eyes!! Yes, TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) VISION MEANS TO SEE WITH CLARITY!! He is showing us and shifting our perspective! He is using this opportunity and everything that the enemy is trying to do, to help us to SEE as He sees!! He is drawing us out of DARKNESS and into His wonderful LIGHT! He is shining a light on the enemy’s plans! Exposing the enemy and his wicked schemes!

Don’t fall back into the trap of distraction, busyness and acceptance that this is the “new normal!” For THIS WILL PASS!! God is RESETTING our eyes, our hearts and minds, our lives! He is preparing us and readying us for what is ahead! Right across the Nations He is giving us TIME! Time that we so often used as our excuse, saying that we never had enough of it. So please dear friends, heed to your Government’s instructions and advice to self-isolate or lockdown when needed! But use this time to partner with Wisdom, for the Lord will protect you against the enemy’s plans as you retreat with God.


The Lord says, “My door is open! Come into My presence and seek My face. For I am bringing REMEMBRANCE back to you as you come to Me and hear My heart, My will and My plans. For many had been so distracted and caught up in the busyness, distraction and chaos of everyday life, that YOU HAD FORGOTTEN ME. Yes, ministries, churches, businesses and workplaces, families and individuals, knowingly and unknowingly had shut Me out...becoming blind to the realization the enemy has been running My people in circles and burning them out whilst they chased the wind. But I am bringing you back! Back to MY HEART! For I AM your FIRST LOVE and deeply passionate and jealous for you.”

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV

Then I suddenly saw people running back into INTIMACY with the Father. As they did, His finger touched their hearts, re-igniting a spark. I saw EYES LIGHT UP as people REMEMBERED and came back to their first love. I saw dead weights, distractions, wrong agendas, thoughts and attitudes fall to the ground like stones, as The Lord breathed life upon hearts and lives, fanning into flame His promises, purpose and plans for them. He began bringing clarity to His Bride, awakening their gifts, talents, hopes and dreams the way He sees them and purposed them. He began moving people from the place of chasing the wind, to catching the WIND of HIS SPIRIT! During this time, I saw WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY blow open, as these gifts, talents and creativity started to awaken and bubble up, as the Lord started to re-position and bring His people into RIGHT ALIGNMENT, ready for when the doors across the Nations do swing wide again.

“Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim 1:6-7 NKJV

Now is the time! WE MUST NOT BE SILENT! We must LIFT UP OUR VOICES, PRAY and PRAISE with passion, with power, authority and victory over the enemy’s plans! I encourage you, declare Psalm 91 over yourself and your loved ones daily. Now is the TIME to MAKE TIME FOR HIM and PREPARE for all He is doing and will do across the globe! This SHAKING is AWAKENING His Bride to ALIGN with HIM! PREPARE, PRAISE and PRAY friends!! This world needs JESUS and He is IN YOU! Embrace this window of opportunity to RE-SET, RE-POSITION and READY yourselves... for when the Lord opens the door… NO MAN CAN SHUT IT!

LET US REJOICE, PRAISE and DECLARE: “...‘Cause the enemy has been defeated, death couldn't hold You down. Gonna lift our voice in victory, gonna make Your praises loud! Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, shout unto God with a voice of praise. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, we lift Your name up, we lift Your name up.”

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© 2024 Helen Cobanov 

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