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While praying into the year ahead in the lead up to our Australian Prophetic Council Annual Summit, God started to place on my heart some things for the season ahead. I heard the song Eagles Wings and the Lord was highlighting a couple of things through these words.

"Come live in me, all my life take over, come breathe in me and I will rise on Eagles wings".

Firstly, as I was singing this over and over, the words "come breathe in me" began to be the cry of my heart.

The Lord said "MOUTH TO MOUTH, I AM GOING TO REVIVE MY BRIDE"! He then showed me someone getting CPR and being revived. I could see that this is not a gentle process, but one that requires quick action and a strong direct downward pressure causing the body to shake, and then MOUTH TO MOUTH as THE BODY IS BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE.

Then the Lord showed me hands pressing on the earth, and He said "There will be a SHAKING as I AWAKEN DRY BONES, as I AWAKEN THE SLEEPERS, as I AWAKEN THE DORMANT ONES and BREATHE LIFE BACK INTO MY BRIDE. MOUTH TO MOUTH I will breathe fresh revelation and understanding of who I am and the plans I have for you. New words will come forth, new songs and a new sound will ring out from the Heavens! For I am REVIVING My Bride!

“Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. ” Ezekiel‬ ‭37:4-6‬ ‭NIV‬.‬

RISE UP PURE ONES He reminded me of a word he gave me for this year about REFINERS FIRE; how this year is a year of great refining to make His Bride PURE.

This explains a lot of what many are feeling right now. The refining process is not all that enjoyable! In fact it often brings us to our knees. It can sometimes be painful and make us feel vulnerable, make us feel like we are on a bit of a roller coaster of emotions. This is the refining process and God is taking every opportunity to shape us and to make us pure! We then see a glimpse of ourselves as the pure vessel. We see ourselves as Christ sees us, radiant! We find ourselves standing in awe of God as He opens our minds to revelation and a new understanding of who He is and what we are called to do. In that place of being pure we truly are one with Him. Then many of us are finding ourselves back in the refining as He continues to rid us of everything that is holding us back.

Embrace the refining! God is getting ready to take hold of His pure Bride and lift her on Eagles Wings. From this place you will soar with Him! You will see things from His perspective! You will move with grace, speed and precision and see things as you have never seen before!

As I was sharing these things at the APS conference, I felt the heartbeat of the Father bubbling up in my spirit and began to sing out this song.

"Rise up, rise up. He's saying, rise up rise up. He's saying rise up rise up and take your destiny. Rise up, rise up. He's saying rise up, rise up. He's saying rise up, rise up and take your destiny. Pure ones, He's calling pure ones, He's calling pure ones to rise up and take your place. Pure ones, He's calling pure ones, He's calling pure ones to rise up and take your place. So rise up, rise up. Rise up, rise up. Rise up, rise up and take your destiny." Lyrics by Helen Cobanov 2017.

IT'S TIME TO GET INTIMATE WITH GOD and TAKE HOLD OF YOUR IDENTITY, YOUR DESTINY. Mouth to mouth He will breathe life back in to all those things He spoke over you when He created you. God said "I will pour out my spirit on all people" Joel 2:25 This is an invitation. This means you! If you are thinking it's too late, or you missed your chance, think again! Pursue Him let Him refine you! Revive you! He is calling His Bride to RISE UP and He will lift you on Eagles Wings.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah ‭55:9‬ ‭"And so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it". Is 55:11 NIV.‬

Helen Cobanov 5/11/17

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© 2024 Helen Cobanov 

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