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Sweet September is singing from the Heavens! The flood gates of Heaven are opening and there is a sweetness that is going to pour out over and through the Bride of Christ. The Lord is singing the sweetest of songs over His Bride. He is wooing YOU and His LOVE is going to pour down upon you like the sweetest honey that you can't resist.

He says "Don't run, Don't resist Me. Come to Me, Come with Me. Lift your voice in sweet praise to Me".

He instantly drew my attention to one of my favourite books in the bible, Song of Songs where the Lord is wooing His Bride and singing the sweetest of songs to her.

“There is change in the air.” Arise My love, My beautiful companion And run with Me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise And come away with Me! .....Let Me see your radiant face And hear your sweet voice. How beautiful your eyes of worship, And I love the sound of your voice in prayer." 2:13-14TPT

THE SHUMALITE BRIDE He says " I am going to take My Bride on the journey like that of The Shumalite Bride and you will experience a whole new level of love in Me. I am about to rain sweetness upon your heart, upon your soul, upon your mind till you are soaked to the core of your being and undone by My love! I will tug at your heart, but don't resist Me. I will pursue you and woo you for MY LOVE IS RELENTLESS and you will long for more of Me in your life! I will lift you to new heights in Me where we will soar together. I will clothe you in My splendour and the sweetest of My fruits will burst forth from you and people will come hungry and feast from the fruit of My Love that is within you. The higher you come with Me, the more you will become one with Me and the sweeter you will become in Me".


Then He said "YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY LOVE! Don't think for one minute that your failures or your doubts make you undeserving or unworthy of My love, NO and again I say NO! These are just lies from the enemy! That is what the enemy is wanting you to believe. But I tell you this today... YOU ARE MY GREATEST DELIGHT! Come with Me and we will catch and remove those troubling foxes together, we will squash the enemy under our foot. For I fiercely fight for those I Love... and I LOVE YOU! Yes that is right... I REALLY ADORINGLY LOVE YOU! You are My Bride".

O My beloved, you are striking - Lovely even in your weakness! When I see you in your beauty I see a radiant city, Where we will dwell as one. Song of Songs 6:4 TPT 2/9/16

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