The words TAKE FIRST PLACE are singing in my spirit and I believe God is reminding us that we must give Him FIRST PLACE in our lives.
While praying about this, He showed me a vision where Jesus was standing before me with a blue sash over his shoulder and the words FIRST PLACE on it. Behind Him I could see a line of people in my life and scenes from my life and He said to me "I take care of all that, you need only look at Me."
As I was looking at Him I could see myself getting distracted at a shadow pointing at something taking place in the line, and my attention was quickly becoming fixed on what was going on in my life behind Jesus. I could hear Jesus saying "I take care of all that" but His voice was becoming distant in my ears as my attention was now drawn to the problem in the line of my life. Before I knew it the shadows had brought the problem to the front to the line, followed by another, and another and I was having to deal with these things face to face (flesh to flesh). I started to become emotionally and physically worn out by these face to face battle and eventually had to sit down.
As I sat with my face in my hands crying, the words "first place" started bubbling up in my spirit. I lifted my face to look at Jesus, but the problem was first place and I had allowed Jesus to be pushed to the back of my line and had brought all my problems to the front of the line.
Realising what I had done, I called out His name "JESUS"! He instantly stepped out from my line with the sash in His hands and came running forward towards me, arms open and embraced me. He held me and explained and pointed out how the shadows (enemy) are ready to pounce into areas of my life, through people I love and through situations. He also explained how the moment I acknowledged the enemy and focused my attention on them, it was an invitation for them to infiltrate and take priority in my life.
He then smiled and said "but Helen, you need not worry about all of that, for I take care of your life and all that is in it. They are not your battles, they are Mine, you need only look at Me".
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Ex14:14 NIV
He then lifted His hand so I could see the army of angels He has placed around my life. He put His FIRST PLACE sash back on and took His rightful place... at the front of the line of my life.
Jesus will NEVER leave you! However we often fall into the trap of letting the enemy push His way to the front of our life! Allow Jesus to take his rightful FIRST place in your life and circumstances today! He is waiting for you to call out and He will come running arms open and He will take care of the rest.